By: Jada Luckey

MOOOOOO!! That’s what I hear when I see a burger, what about you? Are you blind to the fact that you eat animals about everyday? Well I’m not, and that’s why I became a pescetarian.

Even though being a pescetarian means eating only seafood, it still beats the fact that we don’t eat dirty land animals. It was hard for me at first to convert, but after a little while I started thinking about what I was really eating and started getting grossed out. If you take a second to realize that people eat animals that we roll are windows up when we pass by or the animals you can’t stand to be next to because they have flies surrounding their face and body 24/7. And do you really like pigs? And as I said before, you can’t stand to smell them at a farm, but you enjoy their fat insides and call it breakfast?

Even though meat is in almost everything we eat, or at least you find delicious, it can be nasty too. I used to eat meat everyday. Steaks, burgers, tacos, hot dogs, all of it. However, one day I was eating a McDonalds combo meal (it was a burger and 10 piece chicken nuggets). I took one bite out of the burger and half of a chicken nugget and stared at the inside for at least 30 seconds. Once I saw the slimy thing they call “chicken” I almost threw up. I bit into something very chewy, not even chicken, and had to spit it out. When I looked at the burger it was discolored and looked like mush, now I wouldn’t want my fellow neighbor eating something like that and that is why I’m writing this story.

We have been taught to eat meat when we are younger because we ate whatever our parents cooked us. If meat didn’t have seasoning in it, would you still eat it? I’m guessing not. Especially with hot dogs, they make it look pretty but the truth about hot dogs is horrifying, but people still eat it anyways followed with a bun and condiments. Even though seafood is no better we still need our protein. Sooner or later the food we get from the ocean will be disease infested and nasty as well because of the things we pour into the sea, but it is better than cows, pigs, etc.

On top of everything I just said, Animal Agriculture is one of the leading causes of deforestation, biodiversity loss, and water pollution, one of the main reasons global warming is coming upon us. It would honestly be a win-win situation to switching over to being a pescetarian or a vegetarian, you would be saving the planet and yourself. Even if you think you could never give up meat just look at a burger or hotdog the next time you bite into it and think of where it came from, how it was made, how they prepared it and everything else, that should change your perspective. If you are thinking “no way” just think of all the weight you will lose! I did not work out at all when I switched over and about 2 months in, I already lost 10 pounds. We have to work smarter not harder.

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