By: Mia Angulo

Redwood’s Mock Trial is wrapping up their season, settling down from arguing their way through it. They’re now able to reflect upon the accomplishments had throughout their season. 

Mr. Adams, one of the advisors of Mock Trial and a teacher for the Law & Justice Academy at Redwood says Mock Trial has an “exceptionally long season,” .Their ultimate goal is to get ready for the county competition, which takes place in late January.

 “ Our preparation is really the months and months that we put into learning the details of the case, practicing the characters, witnesses, and the overall presentation so that when you go against another school, you’re ready to compete at your best,” says Adams.  

Photo in courtesy of Kaitlyn White

Preparation is key. It’s a huge commitment and it takes a lot of time and dedication. All the time put in helps to ensure your team’s success. It’s clear that these students are passionate about this sport. Not only do they individually want to reach their full potential, but their expectation is that the new members do so as well. 

“ We felt pretty prepared. To help some of the newer members of the team; some of the seniors and coaches took non-practice time out of their day and helped them out with arguments and objections”, states Vismaad Randhama  ‘22

The competitions can be stressful, even though it’s a mock trial. All the hard work and time spent preparing puts on the pressure. However, as this season comes to an end, it’s nice for the teammates to reminisce about the less stressful moments of the season.

Mock trial is an academic sport. The skills that you learn can definitely translate to helping you in the real world.  A key takeaway that Kailtlyn White ‘23 obtained from this experience was, “learning how to speak in public. I have trouble speaking when I feel lots of pressure. I’ve had a lot of practice in Mock Trial. Also, learning to cope with my anxiety.”

Photo provided by: Vismaad Randhama

“ My favorite memory was going to Denny’s after our defense team won county. We talked about the history of Redwood and had a really good time together,” states White. 

“ We have a tremendous number of really great kids, who have great attitudes, who work hard and are super fun to be around,” notes Adams. 

Mia Angulo
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Mia Angulo, ‘24, is in her fourth year of writing and her third year as an editor for the Redwood Gigantea. Mia is a member of the Redwood Law and Justice Academy, Hip Hop and Yoga Club. Mia is passionate about dance and writing and hopes to continue to do both in the future.


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