By: Jimena Robles and Michaela Brown

The annual Cowhide game between Redwood and Mt. Whitney will take place this Friday, October 28 in the Bowl. With the big letdown last year by Redwood High School, the Rangers have planned accordingly to have a different outcome this year. Redwood hopes to bring back the ‘hide’ this year with all bragging rights of Visalia California.

When being asked about what the Rangers expect from Whitney’s game plan potential change from last year, PJ Myers 22′ says, “Whitney will most likely throw a different game plan at us this year, but this Redwood team has shown that when we stick to our game plan, we will win.”

Noe Viveros 22′ says, “You know the hide means a lot because it’s history and it’s Redwood tradition and keeping that is kinda like for city bragging rights. The cowhide is honestly way more important than the battle of the saddle. It’s very important because the cowhide is like ranked as one of the biggest rivalries of all of California.”

The Cowhide rivalry between Redwood and Mt.Whitney is the most talked about high school football game in Visalia. The year-long competitiveness between Redwood and Mt. Whitney is surrounded by this one single game, showing the extreme importance that the Rangers fight to regain back the ‘hide’.

For the past week, the main topic during the Rangers football practice is how the team can come back from the terrible loss of last year’s Cowhide game.

Ambrose Bueno 22′ says, ” Honestly not coming into the game cocky and playing it like as serious as any other game.” This will help the Rangers not repeat last year.

When looking back at last year’s Cowhide game, Viveros 22′ says, “Last year we just weren’t focused that week. We were too caught up with the activities going on through the week and we just overlooked them and we thought we were good enough to not try enough and honestly, we just overlooked them.”

The Redwood Rangers can collectively agree that working as a team and playing for their team is what will guarantee a win at this year’s Cowhide.

Rio Sanchez 22′ says, “Just playing as a team and just collectively being a group out there and giving our best effort.”

Ty Potts 22′ says, “Just do my best in practice all week to help get the defense a better look, get them prepared for the week so that they’re ready to take on Whitney’s offense and execute in the game.”

With no highlights from last year’s game that the Redwood football team can show off, the players hope to look to do better to give the town a show to watch and to enjoy with many more plays that can last in the memories of the supporters.

As the Redwood Rangers of 22′ are coming closer to the end of their final football season, many emotions start to spark.

And with the low-scoring loss from Redwood last year, it adds a bit more of a revenge-seeking moment for the seniors here at Redwood High School. Rangers are hoping to continue the amazing season that the football team has shown to have over the past few weeks.

Sanchez 22′ says, “It’s definitely sad, especially after last year not winning but it’s more motivation to go out and win this last one.” 

Bueno 22′ says, “It hasn’t really sunk in yet, but I mean honestly I’m gonna make the most out of it because it’s the last cowhide. But it is sad to see come this quick.”

As the 67th annual Cowhide game creeps around the corner, the Rangers on the football team plan to do their best not for themselves, but for Redwood High School and Visalia California.

With Cowhide being around for many decades, it’s a tradition that many Ranger families can all remember. From past football players, cheerleaders, dancers, bandmates, and students of Redwood High School, you can bet to see these alumni cheering from the stands year after year.

Kyan See 22′ says, “It’s good to keep the tradition going for your school, for everybody around.”

Jimena Robles
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Jimena Robles is a ´25 sports journalist for the Redwood Gigantea. Jimena is a softball player who is a part of the varsity team at Redwood High School and Clovis Rockets 18u Gold travel team. Jimena would like to major in Sports Broadcasting later on in college.


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