The Lady Rangers of Redwood’s wrestling team traveled up to Northern California on January 5th and 6th to attend the Napa Valley Girls Classic.

By: Jimena Robles

The team traveled with 6 for this specific tournament. Out of the 6, two of our lady rangers managed to place. Jasimen Ortega took 7th, and Audrey Segura took 4th.

The Napa Valley Girls Classic is one of the more challenging tournaments. Jillian Lopez ’25, says, “The tournament was very difficult because it’s different sections, but overall it was fun.” Talking more about the difficulty of the tournament, Angelina Jimenez ’25, says, “The tournament overall is a big one, it’s one of the harder tournaments that we go to, definitely a challenge for even our more experienced girls, but we performed really well.”

Before attending tournaments, the preparation is taken into action. Lopez ’25, says, “We did a lot of practice, we work our moves beforehand, a few weeks beforehand. Just lots of practicing over the week and we work some things we know we struggle on.”

From a teammate standpoint, support of succession is appreciated by the Rangers. Lopez says, “Seeing my friends succeed where they wanted to is definitely a highlight of mine.”

As for the overall experience of the Redwood wrestling program, Lopez says, “It’s really fun, I recommend joining. The team we’re all like a little family, we all support each other.”

Jimena Robles
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Jimena Robles is a ´25 sports journalist for the Redwood Gigantea. Jimena is a softball player who is a part of the varsity team at Redwood High School and Clovis Rockets 18u Gold travel team. Jimena would like to major in Sports Broadcasting later on in college.


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