By: Ashtyn Cripps

Since the start of school in August, the schedule has been broken into two, with Track A and B. From 8:20 am to 11:10 am Track A attended school, and from 12:30 pm to 3:20 pm Track B attended school. Students had three class periods a day for approximately 50 minutes per class. 

Adjusting to this new schedule has been hard for many students, and has resulted in lower grades for these students. There are many reasons why students are receiving lower grades. It could be because they are not turning on cameras and actually paying attention, they are not doing assignments, or because they are not getting enough class time to learn. 

As a result of the number of students falling behind in classes, some teachers have been pushing for a schedule that allows more time for students to learn. 

The teachers and district staff took a vote and voted for a new schedule. This schedule is meant to have more time with students. After Christmas break, in January, we will be going online full time. The school is no longer doing the A/B Track, and all students will go to school from 9:00-2:55. 

This means that classes will hold about 20-30 students, and there will be more time to have one on one time with students. Classes will be about 80 minutes long, and students will have a 1.5-hour lunch break in between 1st and 2nd period. 

On Monday and Thursdays, students will continue to go to periods 1-3, and on Tuesdays and Fridays, they will go to their 4-6th period classes. They will attend 1st period from 9:05-10:30, have an hour and 20-minute break, then go to 2nd from 11:55-1:20, and finally 3rd period from 1:30-2:55. 

According to Mr. Henshaw, the film teacher on campus, “The new schedule is meant to provide more time with students who are struggling. By having 80 minutes with our students we can have more time to work with those who are struggling. The 80 minutes can be broken up into two time periods lectures, and then breakout rooms. You cannot teach students twice a week and expect them to get a full week of instruction. Students are falling behind and it will affect them their entire lives.”

While there is a benefit to this schedule, the fact that students will get more learning time; there are some concerns about changing the schedule. One concern is that many students have a hard time focusing on a computer for a 50 minute time period. If they can’t even focus for 50 minutes, they are going to have an even harder time focusing for 80 minutes.

Another concern many students may have is the effect the computer has on them. Computers have an effect on students’ health. It can harm their eyes and that can cause eye strains, headaches, fatigue, trouble focusing, and blurred vision. None of those things can be healthy for a student.

Finally, the last concern is for the students who have built a life around the current schedule. Many Seniors, Juniors, and some Sophomores have jobs. Their work schedule has been scheduled around school hours. Students who have A track work in the afternoon, and vice versa for the B track students. A schedule change could affect these students and may decrease the number of hours they can work. 

As we begin this new schedule in January students need to try their hardest to make the best of the situation. Hopefully, the new schedule will serve its purpose and result in better grades for students and the failing rate will decrease. 

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