By: Ashtyn Cripps

Ever since the start of school on August 13, teachers have found out that online school comes with many technological problems. Many students have been getting kicked out of classes, there is unreliable Wifi, and it is very hard for students and teachers to adapt to having school online. Now many teachers are trying to find other ways for their online classes to have a better class experience. 

Mrs. Moore, an English teacher at Redwood, said, “Teachers have been investing time in researching different pieces of educational technology that will help enhance their lessons.” 

Our school has a tech team that is working very hard right now to help all students to be able to have the best online experience they can have. However, one constant problem that many students and teachers face is when teachers try to share their screens, students are getting kicked out of the Zoom. 

Another problem that teachers face is the fact that students can get away with a lot of things at home that they normally wouldn’t get away with at school. These things include not putting their cameras on or being on their phones in class

Some students are finding it hard to really keep up with the Zoom due to unreliable WiFi. A student Cody Granados, ‘24, says “Our internet has been kinda slow because there are 4 people in our house all trying to use the internet for about 4 hours at a time.” Since the connection in some homes is slower due to more people using the internet, sometimes it can be harder for students to log into Zoom or sometimes understand what the teacher is saying. 

Hopefully teachers are able to figure out some of these tech problems, and find a way to make distance learning easier. This year will be a challenge, but we can get through it!

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