Post Tagged with: "redwood gigantea"
Mr. Coon Navigates Distance Learning
Mr. Coon’s Agriculture class here at Redwood has been completely different this year compared to others due to the full-distance learning schedule that has been enacted since last semester and a good chunk of this semester.
Return to Sports: What’s it Looking Like for Athletes?
Sports are officially back! After a brutal hiatus, 22 sports are officially practicing and are expected to play games for Redwood High School!
Inside Look on Senior Dance Force Captains: Macie Johnson and Melina Soriano
Macie Johnson, ’21 and Melina Soriano, ’21 have been a part of the Redwood Dance Force team since their Freshman year.
Girls’ Tennis Faces Bakersfield Christian for First Match of the Season
The Redwood girls’ tennis team competed against Division 1, Bakersfield Christian Thursday, March 11, 2021.