Post Tagged with: "clubs & lifestyles"
Kiana Lovgren unstoppable in her win for Miss Tulare County’s Teen
On February 18th, 2023 Kiana Lovgren ‘24 was crowned Miss Tulare County’s Teen and hopes to inspire others as she continues her journey towards the title of Miss California.
Blooming with the Garden Masters in Redwood High School’s Garden Club
Four friends come together to “grow” Redwood culture through Garden Club.
Up and Coming Student Barber – Andres Izael Enriquez
Andres Izael Enriquez (Izzy)’24 is a 16 year old who has started his very own barber service now reaching over 100 clients after 7 months in service.
Serving all the tea on the Gen Z slang
Around the end of 2022, many new and old slang words had been cycling around throughout the vocabulary of people apart of Gen Z. An example of one of the […]