By Lily Stetson

Due to the inconvenient and unexpected break from school, Rangers have been faced with staring at the four walls of their home as they struggle to find activities to occupy their day until the lockdown has been lifted.

One good place most have found inspiration is Pinterest. There are multiple boards on this app that can give trendy new ways to redecorate your room or crafts to spend a lot of time on so that the days will pass by quickly. There have been students creating paintings that have been demonstrated to be easier than they would have ever expected, and others getting crafty with tie-dying old clothes.

Some students, such as Sophie Wasem, ’20, enjoyed the cleaning and organizing aspect of this quarantine. She has cleaned her room and her kitchen cabinets because she has never had other opportunities to do so. “Cleaning Cabinets makes me feel relieved and makes it a lot easier to sleep knowing everything is organized,” says Wasem. She has also spent a lot of time eating chocolate in order to keep herself busy.

Jessie Neipp, ’21, has taken the route of organizing her entire life and getting into good habits she hopes to keep for a long time. She thinks that since there is so much time, it is a great opportunity to work out at one’s own pace and work towards a goal an individual would like to meet. She also starts her day planning everything out so that she is organized throughout the day and knows exactly what she needs to accomplish.

Sarai Mata, ’21, has been working on baking. Since going to the grocery store is becoming more and more difficult to do, she has been making tasty treats safely from her own home and enjoying them with her family.

Despite this break being unexpected and the situation being a very sad one, Rangers have been finding the best of this problem and have been looking at the good aspects of the time they have off.

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