By: Lily Stetson

In the first week of May, Redwood’s FFA hosted their elections for next year’s officer team. The six positions were filled after each candidate went through an interview process and each FFA member voted. 

Mr. Coon, Redwood’s Ag teacher and FFA advisor, is optimistic for next year. “Every year we get pretty excited about the new upcoming officers and this year maybe more so than usual. We’re heading into a brand new era. It will be this officer team’s job to restore all those key traditions that we had slip away from us by the nature of this past year,” says Coon. 

“We’re looking forward to getting back to traditions; having in-person meetings, a banquet, taking students to public speaking competitions. Just having that feel, even having a regular FFA meeting in the shop with hot dogs for lunch, just that sort of stuff so we feel normal again,” says Coon.

Coon feels fortunate that a lot of the officers are returning, as well as a few new officers, since each girl has been involved in FFA since freshman year. 

There were six positions to be filled this year. Tessa Hemphill, ‘21, and Shelby Wisehart, ‘22, took the two leading positions, with Hemphill as President and Wisehart as Vice President. 

Hemphill has had experience on the officer team before, but as President she is looking forward to this new opportunity. “I have a lot of plans for this coming year and really want to serve our chapter as much as possible,” says Hemphill. 

Wisehart adds, “I plan to succeed in my role by reinstating all of the enthusiasm we’ve seen in years past. I think it’s kind of hard right now because there’s no in-person meetings and I’m just excited to get back together with all the team and the rest of the chapter and do some fun stuff next year.”

Secretary was filled by Lillie Wasem, ‘23, and Treasurer was filled by Ava Konishi, ‘22. Wasem is looking forward to next year’s officer team because of how close she is with the girls. “I like how cooperative and team oriented it is and how driven we are to succeed,” she says. “Every officer will be a good teammate.” 

Reporter was filled by Reagan Richard, ‘23, and Sentinel was filled by Madison Andrade, ‘23. Both girls have been heavily involved in FFA since their freshman year. 

Richard was eager to be a part of the FFA officer team because of how much she has enjoyed the activities of FFA. “I like how everyone is welcoming and the spirit each individual holds,” says Richard. She wanted to continue to add to this spirit and is looking forward to welcoming newcomers next year. 

Andrade adds, “I enjoy being the person to make others comfortable and a helping hand. I plan to succeed in my role by growing even more as a leader and preparing for my role as an FFA officer next year.” 

Despite next school year still being uncertain, the new FFA officers as well as Coon, are optimistic for the a full-functioning club. 

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