By Lily Stetson

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) at Redwood High School is one of the many clubs who have been faced with the challenge of staying afloat during online school.

During a normal school year, FCA would have had multiple food or hygiene drives to help the community. With the distance learning, keeping members engaged has been a problem FCA solved.

Grace Arnold, ’21, is the co-president of FCA alongside Krissy Hetherington, ’21. Arnold describes FCA as a club that is “welcome to everyone, non athletes and non Christians included”. FCA got it’s name because it was “founded by people with passions for athletics and Christianity, who wanted to bring people together, ” says Arnold.

For Arnold, FCA was an opening to serving and becoming involved in her community and campus. With distance learning, meetings have taken place over Zoom calls, which has actually worked out in favor of FCA.

“My favorite part has been meeting with schools all across the valley in our South Valley Meetings every other week. We have had quite the variety of speakers come, from coaches and mentors to Christian influencers. The cool thing about FCA is that we are a group across the nation and there are so many advantages and events that happen together, ” says Arnold.

Attendance to all of these events from different schools have been made easier thanks to online Zoom calls.

Hetherington talks about the difficulties of potential members joining the club. “We didn’t have a traditional Club Day where students could sign up and ask questions and get connected with the social medias and our remind but I appreciated ASB sharing our posts and spreading the news about our upcoming events, ” says Hetherington.

In the beginning of a normal school year, there would usually be a club day where each club could promote their what their club is and what they stand for to potential members, especially freshman.

Despite some of these difficulties, both co-presidents are working with the South Valley FCA to help get current members more involved. They are hoping to do some in-person meetings and events, such as an outdoor movie or abarbecue.

FCA normally has short meetings during lunch around two times a week. Remind information is on their Instagram account @redwood.fca .

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