By Ty Potts

On Friday, April 22, 2022 The Pharaohs Car Club Visalia Chapter presented proceeds from their first car show which took place April 9, to the Redwood auto program. 

On the first Saturday of Spring Break, members of Mr. Cox’s auto class spent time working and helping the Pharaohs run their very first car show. The Pharaohs, grateful for the students’ time spent, decided to donate proceeds from their show to the Redwood auto program. 

Friday, April 22, marked a special day for the auto program as they received this generous funding from the Pharaohs to which Mr. Cox has a few ideas of where to spend the funding. 

Leah Gross who was at the Pharaohs car show says, “[the funding] will probably go towards things that we need such as tools and other projects.”

Mr. Cox and team have been working hard on a project turning a volkswagon bug completely electric. The new funding they have received will surely help aid this project and the program couldn’t be happier. 

This project from an outsider’s point of view is utterly amazing. The capability of these young adults is astonishing. Their hard work and generosity combined with their overwhelming talent creates a combination that we should all find admirable.

Regarding the car show, Gross says the show had, “a lot of different people and different cars. I don’t think there were two of the same car. It was awesome.” 

With the show being held in such high regard and the proceeds they received from attending and helping, it truly was a win-win situation and the Redwood auto program could not be more thankful for the Pharaoh’s kindness and generosity. 

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