By Ciera Sesock

Every aspect of life has had to adapt to a virtual world, ultimately affecting every part of our daily lives, including our mental health. The mental health of kids and teens has always been a concern, but with online school it’s become even more important.

Kids and teens have been unable to see their friends and teachers, and they have had a larger workload than usual. Because of this, schools, like Redwood, are worried about the mental health of their students. 

When talking to Mr. Luna, the on-site school psychologist for Redwood High School, he provided some advice for keeping a positive mental health in a completely virtual world. Mr. Luna’s role at Redwood includes: providing support for the mental health of students, assisting the administration with behavioral issues in students, and overseeing the special education program. 

What Does a Good Mental Health Look Like?

According to Mr. Luna, a good mental health is when “you wake up every day, feeling ready to take on the challenges of the day, and you are excited about those opportunities. You are looking forward to moments where you can get outside and interact with people.”

What Does Mental Health Look Like During This Time?

During this pandemic, “mental health has been tough for many individuals.” A lot of students have positive support systems, with parents and siblings, but that is not always the case. There are some individuals “who come from single parent homes, or do not necessarily have access to others” to talk to them and support them. 

This can build frustration in students, which can further hurt the mental health of teens. “It can create loneliness, and that is scary for kids who” are not telling adults how they feel. 

Many kids have to deal with “anxiety and depression, which seems to be exacerbated” by the pandemic. Some students have shown anxiety with having to adapt to the platforms of Zoom and Schoology. They have had to deal with the frustration of not knowing how to turn in work or of their internet freezing during key moments in class. 

How Do Kids Get in Contact With Mr. Luna?

“There are a few different ways kids come to my screen.” The first being an email referral from a teacher. Teachers have been told to keep a look out for students who may need to talk about their mental health. Teachers can notify him when they believe a student needs a quick check in. The next way a student can talk to Mr. Luna is a referral from a counselor. Sometimes counselors will set up a meeting with specified students, so that they have a chance to talk to Mr. Luna during school hours. 

Maintaining a positive mental health is so important, during this time. Make sure “you take care of yourself”. “Focus on the” little things in life, and “always set goals for the day. Have a list of things you want to accomplish. It can be frustrating, and it can be hard. But it is okay to step back from the computer and take a break.” But always make sure to come back and complete your work. “It is important for your future. Take your education seriously.”

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