By: Bella Aldridge and Jada Luckey

For Dress Code

By: Bella Aldridge

Dress code is a big topic here at Redwood. The dress code is constantly being violated by many students, boys and girls. Is the dress code really fair? Alyssa Sozinho, ‘23 gave her input on why the dress code is important in getting a good education. Sozinho started by saying, “I feel dress code is definitely a good idea, and a way to keep people focused on what we are here for.”

Although her and many others think that the dress code should be enforced more, another student of the class ‘23 gave a different response saying “Yes, they should enforce the dress code, but make it a little less restrictive, so that people are still able to express themselves, but in a more modest way.” I personally agree with both sides, because the dress code is a way to make sure everyone is modest. I also agree with what Sozinho said, “It is hard to enforce it, because if you dress code one person for something, then you need to make sure that you dress code everyone else that is wearing stuff like that. It is a big school, so it will be a little hard to do that.” Basically I feel that people should express themselves, but also show integrity in their choices of clothing, and be mindful of everyone else.

Against Dress Code

By: Jada Luckey

Do you think the Redwood dress code is unnecessary? Some of the kids here think so. Lets face it, it’s too hot outside. We should be able to wear whatever we please, appropriate of course, according to the weather. We asked two students, Jolene Villegas ’21. and Daisy Delamora, ’21, who stated that girls and boys should be able to wear what they please. We as young adults shouldn’t be restricted to certain types of clothing we wear. Also, hats. I don’t see the distraction of hats so why don’t they allow them in class? In my opinion,  we should be able to wear what we want. What’s the point in covering up our shoulders or not wearing hats? Anybody in their right mind would know better than to lust over a females shoulders.                        

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