By: Bella Aldridge

Dani Palma ’23 is a devoted Ranger both inside and outside the classroom.

Palma is not only an academic scholar, but also a dedicated athlete. She finds the best way to get involved at Redwood to be to, “join sports teams as they become a family and some of your closest friends.”

At Redwood, Palma is involved in a variety of extracurriculars, such as being the secretary of CSF, captain of the dive team, member of the girls’ water polo team, membership chair in key club, and publicity officer in ultimate frisbee.

Palma representing her future school for the following four years.
Photo Courtesy of Palma

When looking at the importance of being well rounded, she says the act of “staying well rounded is vital to succeed in all aspects of your life.”

Considering school comes with busy schedules, Palma says she remains motivated by “reminding myself of my goals and everything I have already done to get myself where I am.”

As a senior, Palma says she has “taken many core classes at COS, lightening my workload at Redwood, and allowing me to take different electives.”

With this, Palma says, “I make sure to balance my life with things I enjoy and difficult tasks.”

Looking back on her past for years as a Ranger, Palma has undergone various obstacles to get where she is. She says she has, “pushed myself day in and day out.”

Stress is something commonly faced by high school students. When Palma is faced with hard times and tight deadlines, she says she reminds herself “not to stress and that I will get it done.”

When looking on her motives to achieving her goals, Palma says that she gives her all into getting the tasks done. She says her she remains focused by “reminding myself of the reward I will feel and all the work I have already put into my goals.”

Palma gives thanks to her family and friends as with their support, she has been able to “overcome adversity and get to where I currently am. I have had to face the pandemic like many others, but through it I have learned so much.”

As she graduates at the end of May with a 4.47 GPA, Palma looks to further her education at UCLA in the fall, majoring in Business Economics.

High school goes by in the blink of an eye, soak in as much as you can. 

Dani Palma, ’23
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