By: Bella Aldridge

Daniel Labogan ‘26 is a new and upcoming addition to the Redwood yearbook staff.

Labogan draws his inspiration from his older sister as she also has a passion for capturing special moments.

Daniel Labogie, ’26
Photo Courtesy of author

When looking to where Labogan first sparked his interest towards the yearbook class, he says he first heard of it from his older sister who had previously been in this class for 3 years prior.

Labogan says, “I really like to take pictures of just multiple things and write about what happened, it’s fun.”

The first event Labogan had captured pictures of was the week of Homecoming back in the fall and has been hooked ever since.

Labogan would rate this integral and action packed class, “five stars”.

In regards to his most memorable moment while part of the yearbook staff, he finds it to be when taking picture of Redwood’s Jazz Band, “They were doing a performance in the quad on September 21, 2022 because it was earth wind and fire day and I happened to have a camera and covered it for yearbook.”

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