By Elli Hendrickson and Bella Aldridge

As the new semester continues, eighth graders from various local middle schools came to Redwood High School for the annual eighth grade visitation. 

In this orientation, students were welcomed into the Mineral King Bowl where they then got to interact with games, attend a rally, and walk through different classes throughout the campus as a way to capture a glimpse of what Redwood is all about.

Mrs. Barba welcoming eighth graders at the rally. Photo Courtesy of Nick Miller.

Mrs. Barba, the assistant principal of Redwood, coordinated and prepared the 8th grade visit and reflected on the excitement towards this event. 

Barba says “So the purpose of the 8th grade visit is for 8th graders from all of our theater schools and private schools, charter schools to come visit our campus.” While she does like the school tour, Barba’s favorite part of this event is, “showcasing our performance groups.”

Redwood Dance Force performing for the eighth graders showing a glimpse of the dance program. Photo Courtesy of Nick Miller.

She added that the performance groups included “Band, like every dance group practically, hip hop, international, cheer, dance force, advanced, musical group will perform.” While the choir was not singing in the bowl, Barba says that, “the kids will see them when they are getting the tour.”

Mrs. Barba acknowledged, “They have the best first impression of Redwood and I know there’s even some students coming from private schools that are still trying to decide what school to go to.” Following this, she said, “I’d love it if I could win them over to be Rangers.”

Mrs. Barba mentioned that she, “really really love[s] it when the performance groups are going and they’re usually the top of their game because they’re showing off and so to see the students excited about that.”

Not only does she emphasize her love for this part, but yet, “I [she] really just like seeing their faces when they see the campus especially when they’re like ‘oh that’s the bridge’ like yeah that’s the blue bridge, you guys do have to go over it.”   

After finishing the tour and watching the assembly, the eighth graders then returned to their current schools, leaving them to reflect on the event and the school as a whole.    

Ben Flora ‘26 is an eighth grader currently attending Valley Life Charter. After stepping onto Redwood campus, Flora said, “It felt really good, the campus was really big and organized.” 

Reflecting on the assembly, Flora said, “The dance force team was really cool.”

When looking toward the upcoming school year aside from the inevitable adjustments, Flora said, “I am super excited for my freshmen year, I know a lot of people going there.”

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