Hi, my name is Adriana Soria-Rosales. I enjoy writing stories about sports and hope to write more in the future.

Photogallery: Trackside Life at Powderpuff 2023

By Beth Musto | March 30, 2023

Beth Musto+ postsBioBeth Musto ’26, is a third-year Journalist for the Redwood Gigantea and is a writer for Clubs & Lifestyles, and is the assistant editor-in-chief. She is a part […]

Photogallery: Let’s Hear it for the Juniors! Powderpuff 2023

By nmiller | March 30, 2023

nmillerWebsite |  + postsBioImagine spending your days talking about ideas that you love with people you genuinely care about. Not bad, that. I advise some journalists and teach some literature at […]

Redwood’s Ranger Choir sings across the country

By Jenna Landin | March 30, 2023

Today, Friday March 31st members in Ranger Choir left on a field trip to New York for one whole week. Mr. Carrillo is the choral director who put all of […]

Photogallery: Car Show 03.29.23

By Ceballos | March 29, 2023

Ceballos+ postsBioCeballos ’25 is a student journalist at Redwood High School. Which they’re now on their fourth year of working for the Redwood Gigantea. Where they continue to be a […]

Redwood High School Administers the CAST Exam to Junior and Senior Students

By Megan Yang | March 29, 2023

The week of Monday, March 13, 2023, Redwood High School’s [RHS] junior (the class of 2024) and senior (the class of 2023) students were required to take the California Science Test [CAST].

More Than Just a Pretty Face: The Impact and Significance of Pageant and Festival Queens

By Karli Branson | March 29, 2023

Do me a favor: Set reality aside for a second and see the world through the eyes of a seven year old girl. 

Photogallery: Behind the Lens of the Mr. & Mrs. Ranger Rally 2023

By Ayla Ozturk | March 28, 2023

By Ayla Ozturk Not pictured in individual shots: Calvin Feehan- Yearbook Advisor, Nick Miller- Journalism Advisor, Keira Zachary- Yearbook Ayla Ozturk+ postsBioAyla Ozturk, class of 2024, is a fourth-year journalism […]

ACS WASC Visiting Committee Visits Redwood High School

By Ayla Ozturk | March 28, 2023

On Monday, March 20, 2023, a visiting committee from the Accrediting Commission of Schools [ACS] Western Association of Schools and Colleges [WASC] visited Redwood High School.

Storm Front Cover

Jim Butcher’s Storm Front Rolls In

By Mickail Thomas | March 28, 2023

A feature piece on Jim Butcher’s Storm Front, the first novel in the Dresden Files.

Redwoods Girl’s Captain Committed to Cal State Bakersfield

By Alejandro Morales | March 28, 2023

Alyssa Hernandez ‘24 has been on the girl’s Varsity soccer team since her freshman year and she’s planning on attending Cal State Bakersfield.

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Adriana Soria-Rosales