By Jimena Robles and Michaela Brown

Preseason Wrestling 2022/2023

Boys Wrestling is off to an early start this year having started Fall workouts.

 Due to the remodeling of Redwood’s gym, Mt. Whitney has offered to let the team practice in their gym.

With the new adjustment, Kai Preisendorf ´24 says, “It’s nice of them to let us borrow their gym.. but it’s just a hassle to go there back and forth between the days and mornings.” 

With a new season approaching, Redwood Wrestling has added new freshmen this season.

Enrique Segura ´26 says, ¨I’ve been wrestling all my life. Going in as a freshman is just different because it’s like finally high school.¨

Brody Preisendorf ’26 and Enrique Segura ’26

Brody Preisendorf ´26 has big goals for his freshman season,  “I feel pretty good about it, we have a good team. I’m hoping to win WYL.¨

With past wrestlers from the 2021-2022 season, who have moved on to college, and have gone to state, expectations have risen for the Redwood Wrestling team.

These new higher expectations have the team pumped to get started this winter. Coach Watts says, “We have a lot of returning people so we’re very seasoned, we don’t have any new real people to wrestling, these guys have all wrestled almost all their lives.¨

Wrestling still has months to go before the start of the season, are putting in work both in the gym and in the weight room. 

 Isaak Mendoza ´24 says “I think it’s gonna be a good team this year, missing a couple of spots but I think it’ll be an overall good team this year.”

Watts adds, ¨We definitely have a team of veterans.”

Jimena Robles
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Jimena Robles is a ´25 sports journalist for the Redwood Gigantea. Jimena is a softball player who is a part of the varsity team at Redwood High School and Clovis Rockets 18u Gold travel team. Jimena would like to major in Sports Broadcasting later on in college.


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