By Ciera Sesock

This week, all of the 2020-2021 Rangers picked up their books at the textbook distribution, which was a walk-in pick up held at Redwood. Now, this was different from recent encounters with the school because students got out of the cars, with their masks on to pick up their books. 

The pandemic has changed everything about the world. Schools are being held online, wearing a mask is essential, and public gatherings are rare. Life has become different, as communities have learned how to adapt to this new life. This has been by wearing masks, social distancing, and using lots of hand sanitizer. 

At the textbook distribution the school made sure to keep up social distancing standards, and required masks for all students and staff. They separated the students by having each class come in on a specified day. According to Hanbin Yu, ‘22, “This year’s pickup was very different because the school was not crowded at all. We weren’t allowed to go into the library and there was almost no talking.” When the students arrived they were to follow clear markers on the floor that kept them six feet apart from each other.

They entered through the front to pick up IDs and schedules, then headed into the school for their t-shirts and textbooks. “There wasn’t anyone breaking the rules, and [everyone] seemed to be wearing their masks,” said Yu. The school tried their best to make it as easy and safe as possible for the students. 

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