Redwood Mens Soccer shares their thoughts on starting up the ’23-’24 season. Their hard work and dedication is their motivation to succeed this year.

By: Jordyn Soto

 Jesse Zentino, ’24, is a returning varsity player on the Redwood Soccer Team. As of now the men’s and women’s soccer teams are holding early morning practices.

Zentino says, “I enjoy early morning practices just because it gets me ready for the day and I know it will help me improve going further, it’s just really cold.” Their coach Joey Chica explains how his connection with his team and his methods of coaching are what make his team so successful.

Zentino also says, “His level of coaching is high intensity and always on your feet. Overall, he’s really great at explaining everything that we need to know.”

Andres Gutierrez, ’24, shares his thoughts on starting up his last season on the soccer team. He says, “At first I wasn’t sure how the team was going to look this year but with all the practices and drills we are doing, I think we will do just fine during the season.”

Andres also says, “Since this is my last season because I’m one of the seniors on the team, I just need to stay focused and do what needs to be done.” 

With the heart that they all have and the dedication they put in, Redwood Soccer will be on track to earn another valley ring. The guys have a special connection with one another, and sometimes just having that will guarantee wins. 

Jordyn Soto
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Jordyn Soto, '24, is a first year Sports Writer for the Redwood Gigantea. Other than the Gigantea she enjoys playing soccer and loves to open up to new people and new things. You can reach Jordyn at


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