The Redwood Varsity Mens Soccer team speaks out on the impact injuries have on their season.

By: Jordyn Soto

Dominic Olivares ‘24, is a first-year senior on the Varsity Boys Soccer team. When asked how he supports his team from the sidelines and how he pushes his teammates, he voiced some very strong replies. 

He says, “How I support my teammates is just making them feel like they’re not alone. If they need help with anything, on the field or off the field, I try to be there”. Olivares says, “We all push each other to be great, to be the best we can, without competition or pushing one another, we wouldn’t improve”. 

Even though Dominic is out for most of the season, he continues to carry high spirits for not only himself but for his teammates as well. 

Andrew Garcia ‘25, is a returning player for the team. He says, “I try not to think about being sad or about sitting out and not playing. I just am grateful that I’m back for my junior year, even though I won’t have a full season, I’m still glad I get to be apart of this program”. 

Garcia also had a lot to say about supporting his teammates on and off the field. He says, “Us guys have a strong connection with one another on the field and off the field so we do almost anything to support each other with everything we do”. 

Just like Dominic, Andrew tends to have such high spirits. They are making this experience enjoyable for them by supporting one another and having such a strong bond even though they don’t get to play with their teammates.

Jordyn Soto
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Jordyn Soto, '24, is a first year Sports Writer for the Redwood Gigantea. Other than the Gigantea she enjoys playing soccer and loves to open up to new people and new things. You can reach Jordyn at


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