By: Fleur Strik

Everyone knows about makeup, whether you wear it or not, and everyone has an opinion about it. Some people think wearing a full face of makeup is too much and hides your real face, others think wearing makeup should be something you should be able to do without people judging you. There’s so many reasons why people wear makeup: to express themselves, to feel more confident, to experiment with it or just because they think makeup is pretty. Others however, feel like it hides people’s true form and think people use it to hide their natural face. Makeup is getting more common and accepted in society, but High School is a very hard place to step out of your comfort zone and make heavy makeup more common, making it normal.

With makeup, just like with everything you wear and look like, there comes a certain judgement. People will always have something to say about your appearances so they will also have something to say about what you put on your face. Allyson Zamora (22’) said, “Some people believe that there are people that wear too much, but I believe that people should wear what makes them feel good and comfortable. There is no such thing as too much.” With wearing a lot of makeup comes a risk of being judged for it, but not everything is seen as heavy makeup. Zamora said “I feel like more natural makeup such as foundation or light mascara is more accepted than heavy products such as liner or eyeshadow.” This means the more natural a person looks, the less they get judged. Society is more accepting of it because you’re not trying to ‘hide’ behind makeup. Zamora said “People believe that wearing makeup hides how someone truly looks, but it isn’t that at all. Makeup only enhances the beautiful qualities that a person already has.” People that like wearing more makeup don’t necessarily mean to hide themselves behind makeup, there are a lot of other reasons why a person wears heavier makeup, Giovani Trujillo (21’) saying “I wear it to show my true colors and show that I can do a lot with makeup, and it’s super fun!” Makeup can bring joy and if someone likes doing it and feels better and more confident they shouldn’t be judged for it. Zamora said “When I’m feeling creative I use it to express myself, usually through eye shadow and eye makeup.” It’s expressing yourself in a way that you might not be able to with other things like clothing.

Even though society, especially High School, can be very judgemental about the way you look, it is getting better. People are starting to get more of an open mind and are starting to express themselves more in the way they look. They start to experiment more and are less scared to show what they like to do with makeup. Trujillo said “Everyone thinks differently but at the same time I’m just being who I want to be and I don’t let people’s judgement make me not wear makeup.” even with the judgement he gets for it, it doesn’t stop him from expressing himself and wearing makeup. Zamora notices too that the world is getting more accepting of makeup saying “It’s good to see all ages and genders using makeup to express themselves or to simply feel confident and empowering.” It’s getting more common for people to wear heavy makeup which helps making it more normal and less judged. The more people wear makeup, especially heavy makeup, the more it will be accepted. This way it’ll become just as normal as wearing mom jeans or vans. Trujillo said “Nowadays everyone wears it like it’s clothes, we wear it and need it everyday.” The more common it gets, the less judgement there will be.

With the judgement that lays over heavy makeup it’s hard for people to express themselves and have fun with it. People see it as hiding yourself while it’s just showing what you like to do with makeup and feeling more comfortable with it. Makeup is already getting more accepted into society and if more people start wearing heavy makeup, in High School too, it will become more normal, which means it will become more accepted. If makeup gets more accepted more people will feel comfortable with wearing it and are able to express themselves to the fullest and show people what they like to do but are now too scared to do.

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