By: Fleur Strik

There are so many gorgeous cities, but we all have such high expectations for them. They are so glamorous and movie-like that it’s unrealistic, and if you end up actually visiting the city you’ll probably be disappointed.

That’s what I’m here for, giving you an actual representation of some gorgeous cities that get glamoured up so much that you have to look past your fantasies and see the beauty of the city, as messy as it will be. One of those cities is Paris. It’s my favorite city so it’s sad that it has such a big reputation because people expect too much and get disappointed. I had it too when I visited the city, but once you look past your expectations you can see the true beauty of the city, as human and messy as it is.

I had so much expectations when I first visited the city, I mean it’s called the “City of Love” so I figured I’d fall in love with it right away. You see representations of Paris in so many shows, movies and stories and get this view of a city that is, if you really think about it, not realistic.

It can’t be because this view is barely human. I had this image of a glamorous, clean city full of lights, beautiful art and nice people that is always sunny and amazing.

I couldn’t wait to go up to the tip of the Eiffel Tower, to visit the Louvre, and see the Mona Lisa. I was so excited to see the Notre Dame, especially because of the movie The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and walk underneath the Arc de Triomphe. These were all on my to-do list, and should be on yours because these are a few of the highlights and most well known things in Paris. I figured it was going to be mind blowing. 

Well sorry to burst your perfect bubble but this is not true, that is at least if you have the expectations I had.

One of the biggest things that you’re not going to expect is that Paris quite dirty. It’s definitely cleaner than most cities, but it’s a city a lot of people visit and live in, and you can see that. There is a lot of dirt and trash and you can find gum everywhere. This was very strange for me since I always expected this clean flawless city which in fact has a lot of flaws.

There’s also a lot of poor and homeless people wandering the streets or sitting on the sidewalk, which I didn’t expect at all. If I had thought about it I should’ve realized because most major cities have beggars in them, so count on that if you visit the city. I also realized that the European stereotype of French people being rude can be very true. I spoke to them and some were the most friendly and helpful people ever, but some on the other hand were very rude and grumpy. They’re human beings that have their good and bad days, so count on humanly behavior.

Another thing to prepare for is service. It will be less client friendly than you’re used to. This however. isn’t necessarily Paris, that’s just Europe in general. I did get to see the good part of Parisians too. In this little, but expensive restaurant I saw the interest and excitement of the workers, to make sure you have the best meal and have a great time. The excitement is almost contagious.

Nevertheless, the weather might also be different from what you expected. Paris can be very cloudy and rainy, so hope for good weather but don’t count on it, this way you’ll be more prepared, and pack an umbrella.

One of the more disappointing discoveries for me was the fact that the Mona Lisa was so small. I thought it was bigger and it was really hard to see because it is usually surrounded by a circle of tourists that all want to see the little painting.

But even with that the Louvre was mind-blowing for me, it’s way bigger than I thought it would be. It’s impossible to see the entire museum in a day so either plan multiple days for this or visit the part you want to see most. The other highlights of the city were gorgeous if you like visiting cultural landmarks and so, I really enjoyed it, even though it will always be different from what you expect, it didn’t disappoint me.

A normal day in the Louvre

I liked Notre Dame, but it was just like most churches for me. However if you like the cultural stuff and the story behind it, it will be more interesting. Something I recommend doing is going on top, if it is done getting rebuilt. I loved the Eiffel Tower, and if you get the chance to go to the top, take it. It will make the experience even more magical. Don’t do it if you are afraid of heights however because it seems even higher once you’re at the top. The highlights didn’t disappoint me, it was all just a little less glamorous than I thought it would be.

Still, after being disappointed the first time I visited Paris, I fell in love with the city. Once I was able to look past my high expectations I saw the beauty of the city. It is magical to me, all the lights at night, the cozy little restaurants, which don’t open until 7 P.M so make sure to prepare for a late dinner, The Seine, it’s all beautiful. Paris at night is something you won’t forget.

I fell in love with the classical style of the buildings, the big gardens, all the Arcs, the delicious food, the art and most of all, I fell in love with the ambiance it has. So lower your expectations, otherwise you’ll never see the true beauty that is Paris.

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