By Ciera Sesock and Allyson Zamora

Redwood High School has many different sports and clubs. When starting high school, one of the most important pieces of advice a student could get is to get involved. However, the question can come up: Can I have it all? Can you do sports, while also being an active member of a club?

Some problems may arise. Conflicts of schedule can cause a student to have to choose between one event or another. Jonathon Jimenez, ’23, is a track and field athlete and a wrestler. He also plans to be an active member in clubs, even though there may be complications between the two. According to Jimenez, “I know that I’ve had some really busy schedules before… but I [am always] really focused.” He and many other students that choose to participate in clubs and sports, admit to having to sacrifice minor things.

Although there are many different conflicts when it comes to time management, there are plenty of ways to solve them. Lucas Washam, ’22, is a tennis player and a participant in clubs. Last year he had to deal with the conflicts that occurred. His advice is, “You just have to manage your time, know when you can go to a certain club and when you can go to a sport practice.”

Clubs and sports do come with conflicts, but they also come with lasting fun and experiences that keep students participating. Jackson Ford, ’22, is a soccer player and he is in Ski Club, CSF, FBLA, and Surf Club. His advice is “You need to stay on top of your schoolwork at all times, but also make sure to be involved in the club.” He strongly suggests that students with busy schedules make school their top priority.

There are so many complications to being part of both clubs and sports, so why do students continue to be a part of both? Alisha Shahroz, ’21, is a tennis player who also chooses to be involved in clubs. She encourages students to participate because she believes “It is a great way to contribute and be apart of Redwood’s tradition.” These extra activities make student life at Redwood even more amazing. She also feels that the minor conflicts are worth it “I want to stay involved because I get to meet so many amazing people.”

Participating in both sports and clubs is truly a great way to enjoy the high school experience even more. Evan House, ’19, is a soccer player who chooses to stay involved in clubs. The challenges that she has faced are “Getting drained. I get really tired sometimes, which is a little aggravating when you want to keep working.” Although these challenges impact students in different ways, clubs and sports are very much rewarding. She also believes “Getting involved is honestly the way to get the most out of your high school experience. You build bonds with people that you would have never had before.”

So Rangers, get involved and participle in both sports and clubs. The result will be rewarding.

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