By Donya Akhavon

This holiday season, Redwood FBLA is hosting a donation event for hygiene products such as shampoo, conditioner, dental supplies, deodorant, feminine hygiene products, brushes, and more.

The goal is to make sure every Redwood Ranger has these necessities available to them.

In an interview with Mrs. Moore, the leader in this organization, she said, “roughly 52% of our students struggle every single day with financial barriers that keep them from being able to purchase everyday hygiene products that most of us on campus take for granted.”

The hygiene closet is in the nurse’s office to keep the privacy for our students. In that hygiene closet, students on campus will be able to go and pick up what they need.

There are different ways the students of Redwood are able to donate. A student can donate to the projects GoFundMe site to donate money for funding. Or, going to your local pharmacy and picking up an extra tube of toothpaste or shampoo and bringing it to 203, 74, or the front office.

The hygiene closet will be open next semester, and you can donate from now until the end of the school year.

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