By: Olivia Gonzalez and Mia Angulo

Redwood Rangers share how they keep the spirit and tradition of the Blackout vs. Whiteout game alive.

The annual Blackout vs. Whiteout game has arrived and will be held in the Mineral King Bowl on September 30th. As a yearly tradition, the people behind the school spirit give their input on the long-lasting tradition. 

On Friday Sept 30th, RHS defeated EDHS at the annual blackout game

The tradition of the Blackout vs. Whiteout game continuously changes every year based on the students that arrive here at Redwood. 

ASB Supervisor Aston says, “I think it changes as the classes change as each group who comes in as well as the leaders from each school ELD and Redwood as they come together.” 

New year, new students, and even more energy brought from the crowd than before. The effort of the leaders from the two school schools is noticeable throughout their preparation for a game this big. 

“This game is fun because it’s an across-town rival, we always want to be the best school in Visalia and one of the best ways to do that is to have the best student section which we already have,” says Aston. 

ASB Spirit Coordinator Lexi Ellis ‘23 is in charge of making posters and creating an exciting environment during the games. At each football game, there are specific posters that target the theme of the night. 

Ellis says, “Yesterday we had Rally Club where we had a ton of kids come help make posters for the football game. Each time we have a home game we have to make 13 posters.”

It takes great support to prepare for something as big as this event. Every student at Redwood has the opportunity to contribute to the spirit.

On Friday Sept 30th, RHS defeated EDHS at the annual blackout game

“It is always fun because they are our rival school… we know a lot of people from that school and they know a lot of people from our school, so it’s just fun to play our friends,” said Ellis. 

The student section in the bowl is another outlet for Rangers to show their pride and support for the school. The student section this year will be full of black due to it being Redwood’s turn for the blackout portion. 

Dakota Espinoza ‘23 says, “I always go to the games with my friends and we are always cheering and dancing. It’s really fun, you get a lot of adrenaline from it so it makes the night fun.” 

The energy at the football game has continued to build up as a long-lasting tradition to keep that spirit alive through the years. Espinoza says, “You look more forward to every game after you go to one because it is just so much fun and so much school spirit.”

“I feel special honestly. It’s really cool being a ranger, we are lucky to get to go to this school because we have the best spirit”

Dakota Espinoza ’23
Olivia Gonzalez
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Olivia Gonzalez '24 is a third year writer for the Redwood Gigantea. She is interested in looking deeper into the lives of students at Redwood. Outside of Gigantea, she is apart of the Law and Justice academy and CSF here at Redwood Highschool. You can reach her by email at


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