Post Tagged with: "Redwood"
3D Art and its Rising Artist Ayla Barton
There are a variety of types of art offered at Redwood, but some are often forgotten.
Softball Sophomore Breaks School Record for Most Homeruns Hit in a Single Game
Shelby Somavia ‘24 is the catcher for varsity softball. She recently broke the record for most home runs hit in a single game.
Everything Entertainment Episode 4: Creative design club leaders talk about their club
Podcast hosted by Jalen Bullock ’23, co-hosted by Isaac Reynoso ’23, and edited by Aidan Hatch ’22 In the fourth episode of the Everything Entertainment Podcast, Bullock and Reynoso bring […]
Soft Servers vs. The Dirty J’s
Redwood’s buff ball champions the “Soft Servers”, were in for a surprise when El Diamante’s “The Dirty J’s” challenged them to a Buff Ball match.