Post Tagged with: "redwood gigantea"
International Dance Prepares for 2022-2023 School Year
One of Redwood’s dance classes, “International Dance” has been working very hard for many of the events coming up this school year.
Everything Entertainment Episode 2 Season 2: Brooklyn Burch and Nathan Perez Speak About Fall Play “Space Princess Wars”
Podcast hosted by Jalen Bullock ’23, co-hosted by Isaac Reynoso ’23 In this episode, Jalen Bullock and Isaac Reynoso talk to Nathan Perez ’23 and Brooklyn Burch ’23 about the […]
Dedicated FBLA officer Adam Hacker appointed on the National President’s Executive Council
Redwood FBLA’s Adam Hacker, ’23 earns a position on the National President’s Executive Council as Director.
Dance Force and its impact on Redwood Culture
Redwood was the first school to have a dance program and students from other high schools would come to be on the dance team.