Post Tagged with: "redwood gigantea"
Who Are The Golf Cart People?
Redwood High School has many campus supervisors who keep the school running while creating strong relationships with students. These supervisors share their thoughts on their jobs and the atmosphere of the campus.
Sustainability Matters: Reshaping Redwood High School’s Environmental Footprint
As Redwood High School heads towards a greener future, staff members share their thoughts on existing problems on campus, and improvements to be made in order to boost the school’s environmental impact as a whole.
Orchestra Students Tune-Up for Holidays
The LJ Williams Theatre, freshly renovated and now ready for use, has sparked excitement among orchestra students preparing for their upcoming holiday concert on December 12.
Beating Hearts and Brilliant Art: Hannah Johnson’s Pulsating PSA takes Best Overall at Porterville Film Festival
On Wednesday, December 6th, Hannah Johnson, ’25, surpassed all entrees and obtained Best Overall at the Porterville Film Festival. Her video was a CPR public service announcement [PSA] inspired by […]