Review by: Miles Largoza and Isaac Reynoso

This year’s fall play, Space Princess Wars, comes to the Rotary Theater at Redwood on October 5, 6, and 8. The play contains an even blend of the movies The Princess Bride and Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope, featuring iconic scenes from each, but adding in unique twists and jokes that keep the audience on the edge of their seats.

The story follows a simple farmer boy, named Moon Starchild, played by Arlo Olson, ’23, and his group of misfits as they run from bounty hunters, pick up a space princess(played by Katy Robles, ’25), and have run-ins with an evil cyborg queen(played by Julia Morales, ’24).

The play consists of many iconic scenes from the two movies, tied together and slightly altered to fit the very unique characters and their personalities into the already well-known stories.

Redwood’s interpretation of the play brings a very creative twist to the unique props and sound effects used in many of the scenes, which add to the jokes and enhance the humor of the play.

Despite the show being a play rather than a musical, it features a lot of well-coordinated choreography, which is something that can be expected from a Redwood production.

The difference between the play and your average Redwood musical is that instead of grand dance scenes there are instead multiple fight scenes throughout the show.

The costumes truly add to the unique feel of the show as both of the movies used for inspiration in this play have drastically different feels and settings.

Despite this, all of the different costumes in this show work together very well and are very eye-catching whether it be because they are sparkly and stand out or because they are really silly and over the top.

However, what truly brings the show together is the relationship that the actors have outside of the story, as it influences the connections that they have within their characters.

The relationships that the actors have truly bring the show to life and make it all feel very fun and genuine.

If you are looking for a truly enjoyable time, and a show that will have you laughing from start to finish make sure to check out “Space Princess Wars” on October 5, 6, and 8 at the Rotary Theater.

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