As Christmas break approaches, many Rangers look forward to spending time with their family, taking a break from school, and lounging around the house.

However, there is another important event that takes place during the Christmas season, and that is the receiving of gifts.

Photo credit: Lucas de Lima
Noah Arellano, ’25

Noah Arellano, ‘25 says he “wants a new gaming headset so I can talk to my friends when we play video games” His favorite gift has been a gaming chair because “[he] sits in it all day”.

He claims his favorite memory with this gift is when “I fell backward and hit my head on my nightstand.”

Leah Yang, ‘26 says “I want a new pc because I’ve been in need of one because mine is really old”. She says her computer is around 5 years old.

Carley Colburn, ’23

Her favorite gift is an Xbox 360 she received when she was 7. Her favorite memory with this gift was “playing Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2.”

Carley Colburn, ’23 says that “for Christmas, I would like anything llama related. They are my favorite animal and I get really happy when I receive anything with a llama on it.”

Her favorite Christmas gift is her gaming pc, which she got around two years ago. Colburn, ’23 says that it’s her favorite because she “used it to play games with [her] friends pretty much every day.”

Her favorite memory with it is when she pulled an all-nighter with her friends and stayed up playing games and watching movies together.

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