By: Maddy Tamayo

As school starts, so does volleyball season. Players have been preparing all summer for the 2019 season. The varsity team has welcomed 6 new players to join their 6 returners. 

The team has been preparing for the season since the start of the summer. The team practiced everyday during the summer with only two weeks off.

Coach of the varsity team, Alana Montgomery, states that summer is a critical time for the team. “This is the time we must get competition ready because we start playing before school even starts.” 

Alana Montgomery expresses the coaches’ goals for the team is to win WYL and to push the players to play to the best of their ability. According to the coaches, the main goal is to create a hardworking and fun environment to make a successful team for this season. 

Varsity volleyball has been competing in several tournaments throughout the summer and the start of the year. 

Kylie Cekalski, ’22 joined the varsity team this year as a sophomore. Kylie describes her first varsity game as stressful and more intense then a game that she has played in before. 

Kylie says the jump from junior varsity to varsity as more demanding for results and more pressure on herself. 

Malia Preisendorf, ’20 is a senior and a three year varsity player. Malia is also captain of the varsity team and hopes to push the team to their highest potential. 

The team is getting ready for the start of the official season and is working towards bring home wins.  So far they have been doing great, going undefeated in pre-season.

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