By: Savannah Medina

Redwood High School Varsity Girls Tennis played at Central Valley Christian (CVC) on Tuesday August 23rd, playing their second game.

Redwood Girls tennis is in full swing. Antonella Cardenas and Jenna Mitchel both have high hopes for this season. 

According to Antonella Cardenas she stated  “ The team has improved so much over the summer and we are ready to take on this season and give it our all”.

Jenna Mitchel says “ We have a very strong top four Varsity and I think we will continue to thrive in preseason and will hopefully do well when league starts”.

When asked about “ How confident were you walking on court?” Antonella Cardenas stated “ I felt great and I knew I was going to do great, because of how much I have improved and because of my team’s support!!”

Jenna Mitchel had similar statements by stating “ It really does depend on how I do during warm ups on how confident I feel I will play that day. Yesterday I did well in warm ups and felt ready to play”.

When asked if they felt like they put their all into Tuesday’s game Jenna Mitchel responded by saying  “Yes and no, I feel that Senior year for sports can be a hit or miss season. I started off the season not necessarily where I wanted to be ranked on the ladder so it’s a little frustrating to start not where I want to be. Yesterday’s game I feel I played well at times, but I do think I could’ve played better ”.

Antonella Cardenas said “ I put all my effort and passion into it along with all the improvements I have made, everything that I have been working hard on came together during that match, and I plan to play every single one like this last one!”.

It’s very apparent that the girls are ready to take on this season and play every single game with all they have.

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