By: Liliana Madrigal, Beth Musto, Chloe Falcon

Class of 2027 visit Redwood and tour the campus on February 16th, 2023. 

Students from Green Acres, Ridgeview, St. Pauls, and more came to explore the campus. They also had the chance to go inside some classrooms and look around, which gave them the opportunity to view what elective they wanted to choose for the upcoming year. 

Entering high school can be a really exciting experience for some and stressful for others. Having the opportunity as an eighth grader to be able to come and visit the school can take off some stress and be a fun time. 

For many of the students coming to a bigger high school will be a new environment and experience. A Green Acres student, Rose Longbottom ‘27 says, “My school is actually really small and It seems kind of cool that it’s really big and there are  a lot of different classrooms.”

Redwood has a very large campus, consisting of 2 parts; Main and Vista, named after the two streets where the school is located. 

Abby Rodriguez ‘27 of St.Pauls says, “I’m just excited to have a larger campus to be able to go to more places and to have more freedom.”

In order to get across from Main to Vista, you have to cross the bridge. To the new upcoming freshman, it was surprising.

Green Acres student, Erin Wolfe ‘27 says, “I would say the bridge was definitely a shocker and I wasn’t expecting it to be that big in real life.”

The eighth grade students were able to meet with their Redwood counselors after selecting their choices for electives. They were able to choose the electives they enjoyed right then and there. 

Rodriguez adds, “It’s an upgrade. I’m excited about the chamber orchestra. 

With the new upcoming freshmen, there are different emotions about starting a new journey in High School. Ridgeview student Sehrish Hiani ‘27, says, “I feel a lot of different emotions because it’s super exciting to go on a new journey.” 

After the tour, a rally was put on by Redwood students that included performances by Redwood dancers, the jazz band, and the musical to welcome the class of ‘27. 

Longbottom says, “I’m excited about high school. Honestly, it seemed so fun and when we did the pep rally, we were showing school spirit for the school that we’re all going to. It felt so cool.” 

Liliana Madrigal
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Liliana Madrigal '26 is a second year journalist.


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