By Liliana Madrigal

What inspired some Rangers to join mock trial were factors such as: “Most of my family are lawyers and involved with the law so I thought it would be fun,” Cambria Roper ‘27 says, or as Amelia Fultz ‘26 says, “My dad is a judge and he told me about it. I’ve always liked public speaking and I enjoy debating, so I just wanted to try something new.” 

Fultz says, “I like that even though it’s not an actual physical sport, it does require a lot of teamwork, I like that it really tests my knowledge and memorization. I like the brain challenges.”

Photo Courtesy of Amelia Fultz. Indira Renkrena ’25 and Amelia Fultz ’26 pose together during a trial practice.

Mock trial’s silver team was able to get 1st place in county and 24th out of 32 in state. The blue team got 3rd in the county. 

Harley Davidson ‘24 admittedly says, “In the county, we destroyed everybody, there really was no contest. At state, it wasn’t perfect; we had a lot of close matches. We got 24th place out of 32 in the state, which wasn’t great. We had a few things we could’ve been better on.”

The silver team is more efficient than the blue team, and being selected to get on either team depends on skill level. 

Photo Courtesy of Amelia Fultz.

Elizabeth Belflower ‘26 says, “It’s based on skill. Being an attorney, you have to learn a lot. You have to learn objections, questions, witness statements, and you really just have to have a good grasp of the case and be good at memorizing things. If you want to be an attorney on silver, then you have to have a good knowledge of those different types of things.”

Indira Renkrena ‘25 hopes for next year to “win our county competitions again and advance in stage and get an even higher place.” Renkrena is on the silver team as a defense attorney. 

Belflower says, “We travel and do scrimmages and it’s really fun. It’s also just fun in general, just getting to have new relationships with people and getting to know more about people.”

Davidson finishes his thoughts on mock trial. He says, “Overall, it’s very satisfying to be able to go out there and just be this confident good person who is so knowledgeable on their subject; to just have that moment of ‘this is my moment.’”

Liliana Madrigal
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Liliana Madrigal '26 is a second year journalist.


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