By: Jadyn Fowler and Emily Silva

During the month of Cowhide, Dance Force has spent hours perfecting their routines. Chloe Sanchez ’20 said, “We usually learn each dance at camp [over summer] and just take the dances and songs from there.”

However, they pick the songs themselves for the annual Dance Show in March. All the classes in the Redwood Dance Program, ranging from Intro to Dance, Intermediate, Advanced, International, and Hip Hop, will begin choreography for the show at the end of the semester and beginning of the 2020 school year.

They also spend lots of time looking through every dance magazine they own to find the perfect outfits for Cowhide and start getting all classes fitted for the Dance Show costumes.

Lily Reed ’20 said, “We choose the outfits by looking through some dance magazines and coming up with ideas and consulting a professional.” Michelle Lapp, the Dance Force teacher, picks beautiful outfits for the girls to be the spotlight of these big events.

Sanchez and Reed both agreed it takes about four weeks to perfect each dance and combine each idea that comes to mind to create the dance. The girls always get to come up with choreograph together but for Cowhide it was up to seniors to prepare and plan the dance for the cowhide Rally.

in the rest of the dance classes, each group of students goes through each style of dance such as jazz, ballet, hip hop, and modern dance. As they learn new skills and techniques, they perfect movement preparation for the show next semester.

Students are challenged to learn and memorize choreography and also have fun while doing it.

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