By: Jadyn Fowler

When deciding what play to choose Redwood looks at all the talents the students carry, they make sure to find a play that will go with all of the kids talents so everyone can participate, they also make sure the play and music is relevant to today to make sure they get an audience.

This version of the play will almost be exactly like the movie but only on stage, so they won’t be able to have the same location since there won’t be any cutting or filming which makes it harder for a live production because they don’t have the ability to redo any scenes.

When auditioning for Dorthy, the main character, only 14 girls were called back and the final Dorthy will be Tessa Hemphill. Redwood ended up casting 82 students with an additional 50 elementary students grades 1st-6th to help play munchkins.

All students who have made the cast have been rehearsing three nights a week since October, while the stagecraft cast has been building everything such as props since September, and making sure everyone keeps in contact with the stage manager to keep everyone and everything together.

The Wizard of Oz will be showing February the 6th and 7th at 7:00 pm while on the 8th it shows at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm in the LJ Williams Theater. It will be $10 for students, $15 for general admission, and $20 for preferred seating.

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