On Thursday, April 4th, 2019, Redwood had a Swim Meet against El Diamante High School and won. This was their last league competition until their final meet against Mt. Whitney.

Jv swimmer, Beau Gendron, ‘22, felt that he did very well. He had a personal record in the 100 freestyle. “Going into the meet against El D, I was fairly confident. The coaches had me swim butterfly in a relay. I have never swam butterfly before in a race so I was nervous about that race but every other race I did great in.” Gendron just started swimming this year and has extremely good times considering he has never swam competitively. He says that he lacks what all of the other guys are good at such as flip turns, technique, and their dives.

Varsity swimmer, Nolan Pritchett, ‘21, felt that he didn’t do as great as he wanted to on Thursday. His times were slower than he wanted. Going into the meet he said, “I felt like I wanted to shave a couple seconds off my time.” Overall the team did really well. They only lost one race and ended up beating El Diamante. Pritchett feels that he and the team could improve by giving more effort at practice.

If you want to come support Redwood swim the next home meet is on April 11th against Mt. Whitney at 4:00 pm.

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