By Tara Khazaeizadeh

As of two weeks ago, the mask mandate is being lifted for the local VUSD schools on March 11 at midnight, however, it all comes down to students deciding whether they would want to wear it or not.

Although this may be astounding news to some Rangers, students have mixed opinions on the possible COVID cases, and if we may go back into quarantine.

Brycen Gonzales, ’25 explains how there is much publicity on the topic, and how students are excited to get rid of them, however, he also coveys that it could be both a, “good or bad thing…We can breathe easier but on the other hand, COVID-19 cases could go up, so it’s a 50-50.”

Gonzales also states how there could be possible tension amongst students, as they could argue to take their masks off because of the mandate being removed, and they’re going to “argue over a mask.”

However, he also explains how it’ll be easier to breathe and that he “probably won’t wear [his], but we have to be smart when not wearing masks.”

Emilia Galvan, ’25 explains that the “anti-maskers” have been promoting the no-mask mandate, also that there will be possible tension between the people who choose to wear a mask and who choose not to wear masks, and it will “create problems.”

When asked if there will be negative effects COVID wise, they answer on how it’s “already bad as it is, and when the mandate is lifted there’s only going to be more problems.”

Autumn Batti, ’25, has mixed opinions on the topic, stating that, “although the mandate is being lifted, for the comfort of some teachers, I’ll wear it for the ones that prefer it.”

There is also some unexpected tension amongst Rangers, some stating things like, “I won’t talk to you anymore if you keep wearing your mask,” Batti says.

As the mandate lifts, Batti states how she’s, “confused because [she] doesn’t know how it’s going to benefit the problem we have with COVID-19.”

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