Homecoming is something that everyone looks forward to. The activities, dress-up days, and overall, just the good energy. This year, Redwood High School’s Homecoming theme is Super Mario Bros.

By: Natalie Enriquez

Many students were surprised when they found out that this year’s homecoming theme was Super Mario Bros. Some students had even hoped for one of the other themes such as Alice in Wonderland or The Lorax.

Riley Yagle ‘24, ASB Vice President, says that Super Mario Bros was picked by a majority vote. “Many people voted for it around the school and the last two options came down to Alice in Wonderland and Super Mario Bros and ASB decided Super Mario Bros was the best fit.”

Izek Nelson ‘24, ASB President,  says that ASB’s main focus is “the rally, the parade, and then the football game itself and the decorations and stuff.” 

“We’re in the process of getting different ideas, people’s input on like specific decorations we’re going to use since it is a theme that we haven’t seen a lot of in the past. So it’s gonna be a little bit of a challenge to decorate, but we’ve been kind of planning for that” he says.

Nelson says that this year’s homecoming might be a bit of a challenge. “ASB was such a senior-heavy class this year so it’s gonna require a lot more work out of ASB to put on this theme since not everybody knows about Super Mario, and Super Mario Bros and like that type of stuff, so I feel like it’s gonna be our job to kind of not educate, but let people know what Super Mario is and why we chose that theme.”

Nelson personally wanted Superheroes or Supervillains or anything similar to that theme. 

Yagle says that she and Izek were “looking forward to be dressed up as an iconic duo” from Super Mario.

She says that a little sneak peek into this year’s homecoming is that this year they are going to do the parade on Main Street since they haven’t been able to do it these past few years because of Covid.

“I really like it because Super Mario is like something that a lot of people can relate to. It can be like a part of the game that we grew up playing and I feel like having it be our [class of 2024] last year as like seniors in High School it can bring back childhood memories” Yagle says about her thoughts about the Super Mario theme.

A few students were also interviewed about their thoughts on this year’s homecoming theme and if they were looking forward to another theme.

Raul Alvarado ‘24, says “I think it’s a good theme but I would rather it be more mature instead of like, less childish theme kind of.”

Alvarado says that he was looking forward to more of a party theme than Super Mario and looks forward to spending time with his friends and just having fun.

Rachel Vilhauer ‘25, says “I think it’s pretty cool. I’ve always been a fan of Super Mario Bros.” In her opinion Super Mario as the theme was the best pick.

Vilhauer would like to add that she is “just excited because they could have literally gone any other way with the theme but they picked something super versatile for everybody.”

Nelson says that he is really excited about homecoming and thinks it’s going to be nice that Redwood has their gym back and that they’re able to do the parade out on Main Street instead of in the bowl. “I’m really excited for the decorations and the planning. I’m excited for the football game too.”

Natalie Enriquez
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Natalie Enriquez, '24, is in her second year of writing for the Redwood Gigantea. Outside of journalism, she likes to pass time reading or listening to music. Natalie hopes to make her time, as well as others, at Redwood High School fun and memorable.


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