Technology helps in many ways but also can hurt us. Technology has helped many schools and teachers as well as students. It makes it easier for students to get assignments done as it makes it easier for teachers to get the assignments to the students. 

Students have access to their grades faster which allows parents to communicate with their students teachers if they have any concerns. In most schools, laptops are provided to students as well as a computer lab in libraries for students to access if they need them.

Because of this, less paper is wasted on grade books, textbooks, and printed documents. In many cases, some schools don’t have the capacity to provide their students with technology. For those schools who do have that advantage, they have an easier way to provide their students with that luxury. 

Depending on the teacher that students have, most teachers do allow their students to use their phones for academic reasons. Teachers let them use their phones for activities such as Kahoot, Google Classroom, Google Drive, Google Docs,etc. 

This will be a monthly column so don’t miss out! Make sure to check out Redwood Gigantea every third of the month for updates on the latest technology news and releases.

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