By Savanna Silva and Stephanie Sandoval

As seniors get closer and closer to their last day of high school some can’t contain themselves while very few are dreading the day. Before the final day of being a Ranger arrives, there are a couple of things that need to be done within these last 19 weeks.

First things first, have you bought your cap and gown? Make sure you order the right size and start imagining what will happen after you take it off. Taking as many pictures as possible with your high school friends and family remember because you will always want to remember this day. Buying a yearbook is mandatory! When we finally get to see our precious Class of 2019 in the yearbook we will be looking back at it our whole lives. You can buy this and a senior ad with Mr. Feehan TODAY. Senior superlatives and senior quotes are a great thing to look forward to. The signatures you get from friends you may never see again will be priceless.

Make sure by the end of the year, you turn in all your books to the library. No one wants to be held accountable for a book and miss the opportunity to walk graduation. Senior attendance is another thing to be aware of, make sure to check in with your counselor and head into Saturday school if necessary. Tardies add up to absences as well. As tempting as it is fight the urge of avoiding school for the long term benefits. With in this final semester make sure to not speed pass the days on purpose and really soak up this beautiful high school environment. One day you won’t even be able to remember what going from class to class felt like.

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