By: Arianna Vargas

‘Love Week’ is in session! So many people had fun with the events going on during this year’s ‘Love Week’. The Dress up Days included: Love of Life- Generations (Tuesday), Perfect Pair- Dynamic Duo (Wednesday), Spotlight Day (Thursday), and then one everyone knows all too well, Spirit Day (Friday).

Diego Castro, ‘19, says “I like the dress up days because it’s fun to make it more interesting. Like a teacher of mine dressed up as an old lady for the ‘Generations’ day and I thought it was hilarious.” Another student also said, “I remember one time during the ‘Love Week’ picnic, they always make a big heart with multiple students and it’s fun seeing it all play out.” The ‘Love Week’ Picnic has been going on for 4 years, helping make the memories we all hold today while roaming about in this Ranger School.

The activities make this festive week also fun. Roses, succulents, and games were played and sold; given to those whom you consider close or even for that one you may even be crushing on and want to finally tell them how you feel! Hearts with every person’s name were also taped around campus for some people to give to others or just keep for themselves

Devennie Rodriguez, ‘21, stated “I still has the same feel as always, it’s nice to see what happens and fun to watch though maybe if they made it more interesting more people would join in the festivities and fun.”

‘Love Week’ has been something our school has done for the past 4 years, and still going. It’s a fun event much like the others we do for big things that go on like ‘Cowhide’ and such. It serves as another spirit week for the second semester whereas for the first, it seemed so often during football season. It served as a great week for new memories, love, and positivity around campus.

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