After two days full of games the Lady Rangers took home second place in their tournament. Seniors share their thoughts about their last Redwood Volleyball Tournament.
By: Aaliyah Guerrero
The Rangers had an undefeated record until the championship where they unfortunately fell short and lost to CVC.
Ashlyn Guenter, ‘24, was extremely proud of how the team played, she says,” I was pretty proud of our team, we had a lot of fun the first day.”

photo B. Amstutz/Gigantea
Despite the loss to CVC, Guenter, thought it was something that the team needed to experience, She says,” It was a really good game even though it ended in a loss I think it was really good for our team to experience that level of play.”
The CVC game was her favorite game due to the environment, she says” My favorite game was CVC… the intensity was so high and it was amazing to be able to perform all the cool plays and see the crowd’s reaction.”
She is a co-captain and has been on varsity all four years. Her personal highlight was having a streak of 6 aces, she says,” During the Emmanuel game I had a run of 6 aces which was really exciting.”
Taylor Mcelree, ‘24, was also extremely proud of her team. Her favorite game was against Tulare Western, she says,” We got to play a bunch of girls that we knew and it was really fun to be a part of.”
Mcelree, was very proud of her blocks, she says, “ There were a lot of times where it was the last point and I needed to get the block and every time I did it felt great.”
Devyn Castaneda, ‘24, is also a co-captain. She thought the team had a lot of great serves and quick attacks, she says,” There were a lot of good moments… it would be passed, set, hit, and done. Everyone also had a lot of good serves.”

Castaneda had very consistent passes throughout her games which is something she is very proud of, “I felt like my passing was very consistent and good.”
Tags: rangers, redwood gigantea, redwood high school, sports, visalia ca, volleyball