By: Oscar Castaneda

The recent first meeting for the Young Republicans Club covered their club’s purpose, plans, and needs for the upcoming school year.

On Thursday September 8th, the Young Republicans club held their first meeting of the school year. The club was created by student founders Jacob Malmsten, ’23 and Izek Nelson, ’24. The current advisor is Mrs. Melissa Link.

At the moment this club has ALL officer positions open. Positions such as: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Publicity Chair, Outreach and advertising. Submit applications via remind (@rhsrepubs). The deadline for submissions will be Friday September 16th.

President and Vice-President will oversee the club, run meetings, and be in charge of the remind.

Secretary will need to take notes for attendance and meeting time.

Publicity Chair will be in charge of social media accounts.

Outreach will look for community service connections and opportunities

Advertisement will coordinate with social media to advertise events and make posters.

Co-founder, Jacob Malmsten, ’23
Photo courtesy of author, Castaneda

The club’s goal is to become a chapter of similar organizations, which was voted to an agreement during their last meeting by fellow members. Some examples of bigger organizations include Young Americans for Freedom [YAF] and Turning Point USA. Founders of the club hope this purist could follow one, even after high school, into college.

Another goal for the club is to get congressperson, Connie Conaway, to be a speaker for the club, as she is kin with a member of the club.

Link encourages students interested in politics to join. By joining the club, students will “…find other people that are like them to have intellectual discussion, even disagreements. We want to learn to engage in civil discourse.”

The clubs’ purpose is to bring a voice and place where politically interested students could come together as a community. Malmsten says this club gives students “…a space and place where they can discuss their views on modern American politics; Domestic or foreign. Also a place where we can come together as a community.”

Co-founder, Izek Nelson, ’24
Photo courtesy of author, Castaneda

Some of the issues the club is up against are bring in new members. Before COVID, this was an active club with multiple participants and activities. Unfortunately, after COVID those numbers had dropped drastically. Co-founder, Nelson says there will be difficulty in obtaining more members, but the hard work will pay off.

If people wish to speak on their political standings, this is the club to get involved with. Nelson says, “ People should join the club – even if they’re conservative or not. It gives people a different perspective; they get to think [with] order and reasoning. They should join for the experience and to get their own political thoughts and ideas [out].”

Nelson adds, “I hope that somebody that has a different opinion – that’s liberal or democratic – will start a different club, so we can debate and do fun stuff.”

The next meeting will be on Wednesday September 28th. Meetings are every other Wednesday in room 102.

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