By Lily Stetson
Since sports seasons have been questionable ever since Redwood High School has resumed, Amanda Dominguez, ‘21, decided it was time to create a different outlet for students who want to keep fit outside of their seasons and conditioning.
The Running and Fitness Club is focused on promoting healthy habits through exercise and nutrition. There will be a main emphasis on running, but Dominguez is determined to make this a group project.
“I am completely open to learning about how other members accomplish their fitness goals in other forms of exercise and sports,” said Dominguez.
The goals of this club are to primarily help students improve in a healthy way. However, it won’t just be one specific way everyone is going to participate. Everyone has a different idea of health and exercise, and this club intends on allowing members to grow and learn from each other.
She believes that this club could be extremely beneficial to all students. “Quarantine has led to sedentary living, and I myself have been victim to wanting to stay in and avoid exercising.” Although it is easy to stay inside, Dominguez feels as though if there were a community of students who were there to motivate each other, working out and staying healthy would not only be easier, but much more fun.
Club member, Jaden Hydash, ‘23, is a member of Cross Country and Track during a normal school year. She decided on joining in order to continue practicing for the sports she loves.
“I am just happy to be in an inclusive environment like this club. I’ve met a lot of the members and they are all so nice,” said Hydash.

The Running and Fitness Club is there to primarily promote health that is beneficial for each individual member. Dominguez is aware of the exercises that are not conducive to remaining healthy, such as running during unhealthy air quality. They will endorse exercises that can be utilized by anyone at their own time, such going for a quick jog rather than watching a TV show.
“Community growth and change in mindset about exercise is something we want to achieve, and through the club we feel that we can establish better ways to live healthier and happier lives,” said Dominguez.
Running and fitness activities can have a difficult time of functioning due to social distancing. Creating a community of motivation and support while also exercising on your own was a challenge Dominguez has solved. Just like many other clubs on campus, they plan on having virtual meetings over Zoom and keeping in contact via Remind and Instagram, in order to make sure every member is meeting their full potential.
The Running and Fitness Club is already in full motion, with their first meeting already taken place on October 14th. If anyone has any questions, you can reach club president, Amanda Dominguez, at or contact their Instagram page @rhs_runningandfitnessclub.
lily stetson
Lily Stetson, '21, is in her fourth year of journalism. This is her second year as an editor for Clubs and Lifestyles. She focuses mainly on the activities of clubs at Redwood High School as well as certain aspects of lifestyle such as student-owned businesses and trends on campus. In her free time she enjoys reading books and playing golf.