By Jimena Robles

Emily Mccoy ’25 is on the Redwood Junior Varsity football team. She is currently the only female on the Redwood Football team.

Mccoy started playing football this year for the first time, but her interest in the sport has always been there, “I understood the game itself .” Mccoy is a self-taught player and the only member of her family to invest in this sport.

Emily Mccoy #65 awaiting to take the field. Photo Credit- Gigantea

She says she hopes to be a change for females in sports here at Redwood by bringing, “More confidence into others to join sports that they weren’t sure if they should join.”

When looking to inspire female athletes here at Redwood, Mccoy says to remind oneself, “Somebody else did it, maybe I can do it too.”

As the football season continues, Mccoy already has goals in mind.

Mccoy says that she hopes to, “Get the cowhide back,” this year along with her team after last year’s tragic loss to Mt. Whitney.

Being an upcoming inspiration for female student-athletes, Mccoy’s advice for nervous female football players is, “It’s a fun sport, so if you want to do it, do it.”

Jimena Robles
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Jimena Robles is a ´25 sports journalist for the Redwood Gigantea. Jimena is a softball player who is a part of the varsity team at Redwood High School and Clovis Rockets 18u Gold travel team. Jimena would like to major in Sports Broadcasting later on in college.


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