By: Katie Hornburg, Hailey Burrow

In the last year TikTok, a popular app directed towards teens has gained over one billion users. Popular videos consist of: comedy, story times, dances, travel montages, and even their fair share of cute animal videos. It’s gotten so big that students at Redwood have picked up on the trend and gained fame and recognition through the app.

On TikTok, despite the amount of followers an account has, the “for you” page can bring added recognition to a user’s video. With hashtags added to the caption, videos can be picked up and put in any user’s main stream of content. A few student’s here at Redwood have gained popularity through their videos being put on the for you page.

Nana Chong’s most liked video
Kevin Vilay

Nana Chong ’22 has around 1k followers. She isn’t really considered Tik Tok Famous but she has gotten one of her videos to go viral, with about 14k likes. She expresses that she loves to hang out with friends and make fun TikToks. She also loves to make dance TikToks. If you want to follow her, her TikTok is @nanachongg.

Kevin Vilay ’20 has about 400k followers. He was gotten very famous for dance TikToks. He also says that he has received a lot of attention and has fan accounts about him. “At first it was kinda weird but now it’s cool because they hype me up”. People also come up to him at school and he says its always a little weird but it’s cool. He says his favorite part of TikTok, “The community, I made a lot of friends from it”. He adds that it makes good money, “I made over 1k in the last 2 weeks”. The hate can be stressful but then it just doesn’t matter. One of his most viral videos got 3.7 million likes and 16 million views. His reaction to it was, ” I was like ooh this is going to be big!” His TikTok is @kevinvilay_ and his friend, Trae (5k followers) @traekye_ .

Overall, TikTok can be a very fun app and can connect people around the world with the same talents and skills.

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