By: Katie Hornburg and Hailey Burrow

Thrifting is a modern trend that teenagers around the world are engaging in. Thrifting is a good way to incorporate retro vibes into your everyday looks. Teenagers are bringing back styles from the past decades such as the 70s, 80s, and 90s.

What are a few steps to doing this activity? Here are a few we came up with.

  1. GET YOUR COFFEE: This is essential, you need a caffeine boost in order to not get tired while thrifting.
  2. FIND STORES IN YOUR TOWN: A couple local stores we picked were Simple Chic Boutique and Rescued Treasures.
  3. LOOK THROUGH EVERYTHING ON THE RACKS: You never know what you might find so you have to look at everything!
  4. TRY YOUR CLOTHES ON: Even if you aren’t sure about the pieces you picked out, still try them on! They might surprise you!
  5. PICK OUT YOUR FAVORITE PIECES: Pick the things you can imagine yourself wearing, be realistic!
  6. PURCHASE YOUR ITEMS: Well, you cant steal them!

Also, a few rules we (pretty much just hailey) came up with were:

  1. You cannot buy anything that is over $10!! That defeats the purpose of thrifting.
  2. This rule is an exception to #1, you can buy jackets that are under $15.
  3. Jewelry must be under $5

We decided to take you along for the experience!

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